PGDipHSc(Acupuncture), BHSc(Physiotherapy), PGDipSci(Biomechanics), BSc(Sport&Exercise Science), Clinical Pilates Instructor, Instructor, RAD.TS
Debbie is trained in lymphoedema/chronic oedema management, ' Lymphoedema Therapist (Foldi/Klose, FG-MLD), BradCliff Breathing Physio (Level 1&2)and previously delivered Steel Pilates rehabilitation. Debbie has worked with Ponsonby, Auckland and South Auckland rugby league teams & assisted at North Harbour Club netball with physiotherapy and sports massage.
Prior to physio, Debbie completed her Postgraduate Diploma in Sports & Exercise Science at Auckland University in Biomechanics. She has a keen interest in helping young dancers and was teaching at her own branch as a qualified ballet teacher until 2009. Debbie enjoys the performing arts, as well as a good game of rugby.
Meech specialises in Clinical Pilates and is a Master Trainer in multiple modalities.
Claudia is a qualified Pilates Instructor, Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist. Claudia gained her initial pilates qualification with BASI Pilates and, being a Yoga teacher already, it supported her in improving the quality of the pilates classes she teaches.
Elaine is a qualified yoga and Pilates teacher who enjoys teaching classes that combine playful sequencing with mindful movement.